As a business coach, I help leaders reach their
highest potential.
Good to Great Leadership
This program is designed to challenge, support and empower you to become an extraordinary leader. We help you realise your vision. We design the ‘make it happen’ blueprint to cultivating attitudes and behaviours based on core values that drive everyday decisions. That means you can lead your team to achieve outstanding results, consistently.
My one-on-one coaching engagements individually tailored to your learning needs will dramatically increase the chances of achieving the agreed outcomes and measureable improvements. Common business skills we will also explore together include:
Services include:
Building rapport and relationships at all levels
Self awareness & emotional flexibility
Goal setting and accountability for consistent traction
Negotiation and influencing skills
Running outcome-focussed meetings
Instilling confidence and leading through change
Building trust in challenging conversations
Cultivating resilience and a growth mindset
Marjory used methodical exercises to help me understand my own decision making.
I have been able to take positive steps, and feel motivated and inspired to make the changes needed. I’d recommend Marjory to anyone who is searching for clarity and inspiration to make a change in their life."
Simon R, Sydney AU